Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The awesomest thing

I always wondered what would be the answer for the craziest thing done by me. Hmm, the brothel story doesn't fit, as me still a virgin, blind date was a spoiler,use and throw gfs, is not my cuppa tea.

In this quest of knowledge, I came across th
is totally crazy group and an idea sparkles what about a tattoo, no not for the sake of doing it,but ain't it be cool. So got quite excited about the feeling of a tattoo on my body,(the feeling aroused before Ghajini promos went on air). As the protagonist of the movie Gajini,was looking for Gajini, I went on a search for a good tattoo artist based in kolkata. I realized soon, tattoos aren't cheap and neither there are good tattooists in kolkata. So I came across this really chilled out guy Bitan Da,who was of great help.

So finally the d-day arrived,my hands were shaved. The machine was ready, and it started, "Not bad", I thought,"doesn't pain much".Then the long strokes came,"I have to bear it,my choice of Shiva huh",then the really long strokes of the Shiva hairs,"Are you kidding,does it pain,it doesn't right,the blood isn't artificial huh",I tend to talk as madly as possibly to myself. After the f** shadings and all,and 3 1/2 hours of no pain,the tattoo was completed.
The Shiva was actually looking like a rock-star(the Shiva version of 20Th century).I noticed i couldn't lift my hands."No pain,no gain",i thought.

Then after few days I thought the tattoo isn't crazy enough,so my thirst for doing crazy thing
is still on.Then I realized when you get a tattoo you want more,so a Jesus and a Mecca is what i can gift to myself for being noble and secular.

P.S - the wish-list that come to my mind every 15 min. may change in due-course of time.



Ankit said...

"no pain no gain"....lolz

tatoo is looking gud ...u look cool man...even m frm kol

Unknown said...

NIce pic dude...
quite interesting blog..

Anonymous said...

great... tatooing is one the craziest stuffs for me too..

Going for some wildest things is fun...

And yes, This tatoo looks good on you...

btw, thanks for visitin my blog

Apy said...

good one dude

Pratik said...

hey thnks everyone//...

hope to get more tattoos..
this time crazier ones